Compressed Natural Gas, green energy
It is not a long time ago that diesel or gasoline were the only options to select when choosing a vehicle. There were practically no other options. However, nowadays many
It is not a long time ago that diesel or gasoline were the only options to select when choosing a vehicle. There were practically no other options. However, nowadays many
Today, March 8th, alegria-activity joins to the opportunity to remember the motto of this year 2021, "Because of being women", which shows the long way left to be traveled to
The caravan "actions to eat better" from Carrefour, has been presented on Friday during the third edition of the Gustoko gastronomical fair held on the 6th and 8th of March
On February 22nd, it was presented at he Paris International agriculture show (SIA2020) “L’Aventure du Vivant” ( The adventure of the living) a campaign sponsored by the Ministery of agriculture
Repsol Racing Tour is an itinerant and free exposition that since year 2014 crosses Spain with the objective of showing the Repsol commitment to the world of engines under all
In line with the sustainable development objectives (ODS) of the United Nations in the field of energy, it has been presented “Energy challenge” by the Naturgy Foundation. It is